Information provided on 1,3-Butadiene (106-99-0) is for reference only and is subject to change. There is no warranty of accuracy or completeness of any information contained herein.ALS Environmental does not sell chemicals, but offers analytical lab testing to determine the presence of various elements and chemical compounds. ALS Environmental may or may not offer testing for the specific analyte listed on this page. Please contact us for the latest tests available.

Chemical Name: 1,3-Butadiene
Chemical Formula: C4H6
CAS Number: 106-99-0
EC Number (EINECS): 203-450-8
Synonyms: «alpha»,«gamma»-Butadiene;trans-Butadiene;Biethylene;Bivinyl;Buta-1,3-diene;Butadiene;Divinyl;Erythrene;Pyrrolylene;Vinylethylene;(E)-CH2=CHCH=CH2;Butadieen;Buta-1,3-dieen;Butadien;Buta-1,3-dien;NCI-C50602
Appearance: colourless gas, or pressurised liquid (odour TLV 1.6 ppm)
Melting Point: - 113 C
Boiling Point: - 4.5 C
Vapor Density: 0.621
Vapor Pressure: 1840 mm Hg at 21 C
Flash Point: -76 C (open cup)
Explosion Limits: 2 - 12%
Stability: Stable. Extremely flammable. May form explosive mixtures with air. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, copper, copper alloys. May contain stabilizer.
Molecular Weight: 54.0904
Alternate Names: 1,3-Butadiene | BDE
Department: Organics
* Columbia Analytical may or may not test for the presence of "1,3-Butadiene" CAS: 106-99-0. Please contact us for more information on available testing.

Related Analytes (1,3-Butadiene):
The chemical "1,3-Butadiene" is listed on California's Proposition 65 list: 106-99-0
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*CAS Registry Number is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society.